Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Running Away From Stress In The Emerald Isle

These past couple of weeks I've been pretty quiet on the blog front. Unusually it has nothing to do with a lack of inspiration, It's been more due to so much of my attention being on the house buying that when I have a spare few moments I just can't bring myself to sit down and write. So instead I veg out in front of Netflix.

Truthfully writing is probably exactly what I should do, I always forget how relaxing it can be to simply pick up a pen  and let the thoughts swirling around your head flow out onto paper. Or in this case a screen. Instead of this method of relaxation, however, I chose to run away. Specifically to Ireland. It was CiarĂ¡n's birthday so we hopped on a plane and escaped to his family home. Limited signal, fields for days, and we even got sunshine! Bliss.
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