Hi there!
I'm Fabienne - a twenty something nap queen!
I grew up just outside of Brighton and I'm now living in London with my boyfriend pretending to be an adult with a grown up job and everything!
I'm Fabienne - a twenty something nap queen!
I grew up just outside of Brighton and I'm now living in London with my boyfriend pretending to be an adult with a grown up job and everything!
I only ever seem to half drink cups of tea, no matter how small the mug is. I would love to have a dog, but its not possible while I'm renting a tiny flat. Im obsessed with coffee. I love going to new places and exploring and I do it as much as I can! I absolutely love duvet days, and pyjamas, and cuddles on the sofa. Brunch is ten times better than breakfast and there is no better confidence booster than walking around knowing you have matching underwear on, but now we're just getting into a whole other conversation.
Since moving to London and starting my job life has been fairly full on, with all the stress that comes from jobs, bills, student loan, rent, life in general (being a grown up sucks!) it can be easy to stop paying attention to all the lovely, fun, wonderful things that happen pretty much every day in your life. For me, this is what this blog is about; paying attention to the wonderful parts of my life, because these are the memories I want to think about in years to come, not whether or not I stuck to my budget that one week. So have a nosey around, leave me a comment and enjoy.
Oh, and thanks for stopping by!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by!
If you would like to get in contact you can find me on:
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