Tuesday 24 March 2020

Dear Diary - The Hunger Games or The House Goblin Challenge?

The government announced lockdown last night. I hate that term "lockdown" it sounds negative, frightening, it evokes images of some dystopian hunger games like novel where angry law enforcers patrol the street ready to attack you for taking your one walk a day and then steal your first born as payment for your crime!


Wednesday 18 March 2020

Dear Diary... WTF!

I don't know where to begin. We're living through an unprecedented pandemic unseen in my lifetime or even my parents lifetimes. It's scary and confusing, and honestly I want to just be at the end of it now. I want to be looking back and saying "gosh do you remember that time? It was horrid wasn't it! But we're better for it now". I just can't see how or when we will get there. I know logically that this too shall pass. I guess we seem to be at the beginning and if other countries are anything to go by its going to get a lot worse before it gets better. We just don't know when.

The truth is, I'm frightened.


Wednesday 23 October 2019

Two Nights in Dubai

I awake dazed and bleary eyed. It is the early hours of the morning, I've had very little sleep thanks to a badly purchased neck pillow. Dubai is the first stop on a crazy two week trip that will take us on to Singapore and Bali! I have done little to no research on this city I have only ever seen in photos and honestly, I don't really know what to expect. We will be landing soon.

Saturday 19 October 2019

Autumn Musings

The weekends have been quiet. The temperature seems to be dropping by the day and Autumn is making her presence known with the vibrant fiery leaves on the trees.


Thursday 7 February 2019

Living Room Reveal!

When I last posted I never intended it to be so long until I wrote another blog piece. I thought, the next post I write will be about redecorating the living room. Either I’ll do a half way post before a full finished room post, or just the one. It’ll be done in a few weeks. Oh how naïve I was. It was four month before we were finally able to use the room. It still isn’t actually finished. But at the risk of never, ever writing this or sharing our process, I am putting this up now, and if it ever is “finished” I will share this too. I have already learnt that room design is organic and as such, it will never really be finished.


Friday 13 July 2018

10 Things I learnt As a First Time Buyer

As you may know, we have just bought a house for the first time. We had one agreement fall through, and had to go through the whole process of finding another. With all this in mind I've learnt a few things a long the way that I'd like to share.

I'd like to make it clear, that this is the first house I have bought, and while a lot of this has been true for me, every house purchase is different, so as much as I hope these lessons help you in your house purchase, you will inevitably find your own way with some things. You might even flat out disagree with my opinions! My hope for this post is to help you have an idea of things that you can do if you're right at the beginning of your house buying journey, and if you're well on your way to completing, reassure you that you're not alone in the crazy!


Wednesday 20 June 2018

Running Away From Stress In The Emerald Isle

These past couple of weeks I've been pretty quiet on the blog front. Unusually it has nothing to do with a lack of inspiration, It's been more due to so much of my attention being on the house buying that when I have a spare few moments I just can't bring myself to sit down and write. So instead I veg out in front of Netflix.

Truthfully writing is probably exactly what I should do, I always forget how relaxing it can be to simply pick up a pen  and let the thoughts swirling around your head flow out onto paper. Or in this case a screen. Instead of this method of relaxation, however, I chose to run away. Specifically to Ireland. It was Ciarán's birthday so we hopped on a plane and escaped to his family home. Limited signal, fields for days, and we even got sunshine! Bliss.

Monday 2 April 2018

One Step Closer To Disney Princess Hair

I don't know about you, but I have spent most of my adult life striving for Disney princess hair. More specifically Rapunzel's uber long (maybe not to my ankles but still long) glossy, bouncy, envy inducing hair. So let's be honest, the only reason Rapunzel's hair was like this with nothing but a bucket of water and a hair brush was because it was magic! If all I did was wash my hair with plain old water and brush it, then let it dry naturally, it would look like I had actually been pulled through a hedge backwards!

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