Well it was warm for me because I was wearing pretty much every warm item of clothing I had with me. I really feel the cold so I went to bed defensively with socks and jumpers. This worked out well during the night keeping me toasty warm, but by morning I was gasping for some fresh air, and stripping off the layers. I think perhaps next time, a hot water bottle would be better to keep me warm during the chilly hours, as I warm up it will be easily kicked out of bed.
After I had cooled down, I dozed back off to sleep until a more reasonable hour, when I dragged myself out of bed, leaving Ciarán asleep, and poked my head out of the tent hoping to find Gen and Bon, and therefore breakfast! Bon got cracking with getting the barbecue going while my sister and I waited a little impatiently to get the coffee on, saying we should get a small gas stove for the mornings so we don't have to wait to get tea and coffee! We threw some bacon on the barbecue along with the coffee maker and the tea pot. By this point the rest of the camp were waking up and the smell of bacon, eggs and all other sorts of breakfast filled the camp, the sun even began to make an appearance.

Ciarán emerged from the tent, drawn out by the smell of bacon! We all scoffed down the bacon, eggs and white pudding (thats right, white pudding not black pudding, its great!). With full stomachs and caffeine running through our veins, we sat back revelling in our successful camping trip, and planning our next one, this time with two nights and a little further afield, new forest anyone? Unfortunately in typical British fashion, the rain made an unwelcome appearance and cut our morning short.
We packed up the cars, and took one last look at the field that had been our little home for the night, leaving no trace of our presence.
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