Thursday, 27 August 2015


So trick is in the name of this post...I have a new camera!


Monday, 24 August 2015

Fun At The Fair!

Crikey I am really behind on my blogging! I'm afraid life sort of got in the way of blogging for me, but mostly I have been getting home from work and just don't have the energy to write.

So anyway, Ciarán and I actually did this weeks ago, but the photos are too fun to not share!


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Bike Rides, Wild Deer and St Pauls Cathedral!

I had a wonderful weekend bike ride with Ciarán through Richmond Park on our way to a barbecue at his sister's place. Even though I live so close I hadn't actually been to Richmond Park before, so although I knew there was wild deer, I was still blown away when they came running out in front of us! Naturally in my glee of being so close to these beautiful creatures I insisted we stop and stare (and let my inner shutterbug take full control!)


Saturday, 8 August 2015

Open Gardens

On my last day in Jersey my little sister, my Dad and I visited an open gardens event, and I have to say the gardens absolutely blew me away!

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