Ok, I did get my lazy Saturday morning, and it was glorious! I used to sleep in all the time when I was at uni but never did I appreciate it as much as I now appreciate my alarm free mornings!!
Ciarán even made me coffee and brought it to me in bed, which truly made the lazy lie in! When we eventually decided it was time to join the land of the awake, we decided to treat ourselves to breakfast out. So we headed down to Arthur's On The Green in Twickenham. Which is the sweetest little restaurant, I am quickly wanting to go there every time we think about eating out. We even got a window seat and were able to stare out over the green people playing cricket, dogs out on a walk having the best time ever running around after sticks, balls and anything that catches their eye.
I drank huge amounts of tea that comes in a mishmash of tea pots, I fell in love with my Hamlet one.
Once we had finished off our breakfasts and I had slurped up the last of the tea, we left to hunt down some plants for our little patio, in the tiny garden centre down the road from us. We have a trellis next to our front door that I have been imagining a rose bush climbing up it since we moved in. So finally I bought myself the climbing rose. I also spotted a rhubarb plant that I had to have! I used to have rhubarb growing in my garden and I loved nipping outside to grab a load for a rhubarb crumble when we were stuck for desert!

I love having an outside space, and Ciarán has been busy buying and potting some lovely plants to make the most of our space!

First rosebud!!!
We've managed to gather quite a substantial herb garden, and we have more in the kitchen, and strawberries in a hanging basket (are we turning into obsessive herb growing people?!?!) It's so nice when I'm cooking to be able to nip outside and pick the herbs I need. I wish we were able to grow more things, it's something I need to look into, vegetables that can be grown in a pot. We've been talking about trying out growing potatoes in a bag, and I'm slightly worried about how excited I am by that!
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