Sunday, 31 May 2015

Bank Holiday Weekend: Slurpy Sunday

I was expecting to spend my Sunday much the same as I spent my Saturday, but Ciarán and I decided to visit my sister down in Brighton because she was home alone for the weekend. We came armed with humous, olive, and all the ingredients for some lemony cocktails!!

Is it wrong that putting lemony cocktail into an orange bottle made me a little annoyed?

We pretty much spent the rest of the evening drinking these and gassing. I always have a really nice time just chilling at my sisters flat and having a good catch up.

Come Monday morning, we needed a good ol' breakfast, so we took a drive over to Arundel to meet my mum.

We went to The Loft, and Ciarán got stuck into a super yummy chocolate milkshake!

When breakfast was over we went for a stroll down the high street, to have a mooch around the antique and vintage shops. I found this gorgeous antique musical jewellery box, and the little ballerina actually spins!!

I had to resist the temptation to buy it, I definitely don't have space for it, and I can't think of anything worse that putting it into a cupboard to gather dust until I have a home with space for it!

Overall I had a lovely bank holiday weekend pottering around the garden and catching up with family!

P.S You can find the recipe for the lemon cocktails on The Londoner, we used gin instead of vodka, and they were delicious!

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